

About the Adobe Web Platform Team

Our mission is to create a more expressive web.

We start by looking at the platform itself, the standards and technologies that define the web. From there, we broaden our gaze to include frameworks, tools, and the people and teams that use them. Working with creative technologists, we seek the gaps between creative vision and real-world possibility.

We workshop these ideas in the open, develop them keeping with open web standards processes, and make contributions to open source browser engines. Browser implementations give designers and developers the chance to provide feedback, improving the final standardized form of each feature.

We focus our contributions on specific areas of expressiveness:

Within Adobe, we work to increase the connection between tooling efforts and the evolution of the web. Adobe’s customers do amazing things that inform the way the web should grow, and upcoming platform developments create rich new opportunities for Adobe’s tools and services. Everyone wins!

About this site

On this site, we want to give a broad view into our different projects. Some projects will make their way into browsers, web standards, open source projects, and Adobe tools. And some projects will be shelved when we find that community interest is lacking, or we discover more valuable projects to dig into.

Our emphasis is on new expression on the web, connected with the technology that makes it possible. For deeper technical exploration, we’ll bounce to other resources, like CodePen or our team blog.

Work with us!

If you have feedback on this site, or want to team up to create a more expressive web, we’d love to hear from you. We want to advocate for designers and developers with big ideas of what the web is and can be.